Saturday, March 5, 2011

The End of an Era

Get ready, it's another sentimental post comin atcha.

Today is my last basketball game as a student. As lame and unimportant as that might seem to some people, it's pretty meaningful for me. I've been at this school for the better part of six years, cheering on the Heels during all that time, so the thought of not being able to waltz into the Dean Dome for most of the home games of the season (for free) is a little distressing. To commemorate the occasion, I decided a new t-shirt was in order. Given the fact that I could easily do an entire load of Carolina blue clothes every time I do laundry, it was probably unnecessary, but it gave me a chance to walk through campus on this Saturday afternoon.

I was thinking a lot about Eve, who died 3 years ago today, and her quote that is now hung up on hundreds of walls across Chapel Hill:

"I love UNC. I love the quad in the spring and the arboretum in the fall. I love the Pit on a sunny day and Graham Memorial Lounge on a rainy one. I love Roy all the time. But what makes UNC truly special is not our beautiful campus, our distinguished reputation or even our basketball team. It's us - the student body - who makes UNC what it is."

As I walked through campus, I thought of all the memories I have from every part of it. The pit, where I heard the Clefs sing, watched an Indian wedding ceremony (?), and couldn't help but stop to listen to the Pit Preacher. My favorite part of the quad to lay on a blanket with friends on a perfect spring day. The desk on the sixth floor of Davis with "KB" written on it (not by me) where I spent too much time looking at facebook and whispering and not enough time actually studying. The spot where I stood and hugged strangers and sang "Hark the Sound" at the impromptu memorial service for Eve.

I was sad at the end of my senior year, but I knew I would have two more years to soak up Chapel Hill. Now I feel like I've overstayed my welcome. I have no idea where I'm going to be three months from now, but I know that where ever I am, I will be cheering on the Heels.

God bless them Tar Heel boys!

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